How many ways can you breastfeed a baby?

Since this article came out, I have been asked many times what I think about the article and about the concept of Laid Back Breastfeeding.  Most of the time it has been through a direct email or a private Facebook message.  I have had a few moms post it in Facebook to...


 If you are upset by seeing someone nursing in public, than you must be staring too hard.  Perhaps you just need to look the other way and leave the mommy and her baby alone.  To feed.  To hydrate.  To get a full tummy.  To get happy.  To fall asleep. If you happen to...

Have a little NIP – Nursing in Public

There is so much talk about how the public feels about mothers who feed their babies in public.  For those of us who breastfeed our babies, we just don’t quite understand the big deal that people make.  Which is exactly why we get our dander up when we hear...

The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding 2011

  Sometimes it feels that breastfeeding advocates are all supporting and advocating for the same things in our own little groups.  The recent Surgeon General’s Call to Action is very promising because the health benefits of breastfeeding are now being broadcast...