Drying up Your Milk Supply

Drying up Your Milk Supply Weaning – by definition means to gradually take away, to detach. My personal and professional preference would be for moms who want to wean do so, Gradually and with love. This would be an optimal way to go about the weaning process....


For the Audio Version click here LACTATION CONSULTANTS & INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT. After spending the last few years in the world of Insurance Reimbursement for Lactation Services, I have updated the information on my website about this topic. It had me thinking...

Normal Breastfeeding Behavior

Today I am going to talk about a subject that just annoys the bajeezers outta me. It just drives me insane. For the Audio Version click here Moms are being given very specific advice on how to breastfeed and this advise is not taking into consideration every mother...

Infant Torticollis:

Infant Torticollis: by Lori J. Isenstadt IBCLC 1.  Literally means ” twisted neck” in Latin. This is fairly common and does not always mean there is any other underlying medical issue. 2.  In newborns this can happen due to abnormal positioning in the...