Mamava is a business dedicated to transforming the culture of breastfeeding.

  • If Mamava has their way, you will no longer need to go to the nasty, dirty public restroom to pump.
  • If Mamava has their way, you will no longer need to freeze or sweat in the car while pumping.
  • If Mamava has their way, you will no longer need to hide in a corner near an electric outlet while pumping.
  • If Mamava has their way, you will easily be able to sit quietly in a clean place and nurse your baby.

Have you ever been caught short and in a situation where your breasts are overly full and leaking happens. You don’t have a change of clothes and are in a work environment with no place to pump. You were hoping your meeting would end sooner, but it ran quite late. The results – lovely wet circles – 2 of them – on your pretty shirt – for all the world to see.


Let me introduce you to Mamava! If you have not heard of this amazing invention yet, I am so glad you are reading this. This lactation suite is the first standalone space which is designed to meet the needs of all moms and babies who need a private place to pump or breastfeed their child. These suites, or pods as they are sometimes called, are designed for both private office and public spaces. You can now find Mamava suites in public venues such as stadiums, zoos, schools as well as factories, airports and college campuses.

This innovative company really listens to feedback and suggestions. They have an app that you can use to track where you can find the Mamava suites in airports and locations by you. This app will also track where other breastfeeding friendly places are.

Check out this interview with the designers behind Mamava. Christine and Sascha tell us how they came up with the idea for the suites and how they put their ideas into motion. We learn about their early breastfeeding struggles as working moms. You will find that the problems they had are fairly universal. Nothing like a motivated breastfeeding/pumping mom to take action. Enjoy the show.